Chimpanzee thinking, photo courtesy of Nils Rinaldi

Chimpanzee Trekking

Mahale Mountains National Park in the far west of Tanzania, on the shores of Lake Tanganyika, is one of the last places in the world to see wild chimpanzees.

Katavi National Park, the third largest national park in the country, is far off the beaten safari path and sees few visitors. The park encompasses the Katuma River and seasonal floodplains, waters that form the focus of game viewing in the park during the dry season. Wildlife viewing is especially good during the end of the dry season, from June through October, as animals gather around the limited water sources. When the rains come, bringing the November to June rainy season, the entire park becomes a lush grassland and the migratory birds return, though the roads become bad and parts of the park become inaccessible.

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